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Go Gluten Free Magazine



Go Gluten Free Magazine | The Paleo Diet

I had the pleasure of speaking with Torrey Kim, reporter of the debuted magazine Go Gluten Free Magazinefrom sports and specialty publishing mogul Beckett Media on the healthful benefits of The Paleo Diet.

The magazine is dedicated to providing Paleo dieters and individuals with Celiac Disease or a gluten intolerance an array of gluten-free recipes and articles for adopting  a healthier lifestyle and is available in print and hits newsstand today.

Go Paleo!

The popular Paleo Diet can help you live a healthy gluten-free lifestyle with a host of other benefits.

The philosophy behind the Paleo Diet (or “Caveman Diet”) couldn’t be simpler. In addition to being an effective weight-loss plan, it boosts what’s really important: your health. All it takes to begin is learning how to eat as our Stone Age ancestors did.

What makes a Paleo Diet appealing is that it focuses on the way foods were consumed during the Paleolithic period, says Dr. Loren Cordain, founder of the Paleo Movement and the author of the bestselling books The Paleo Diet, The Paleo Diet Cookbook and The Paleo Answer. “The Paleolithic period refers to the time frame our ancestors first began to make stone tools (approximately 3.5 million years ago) until the very first human societies in the Middle East adopted agriculture (about 10,000 years ago),” Cordain says. “During this time frame, the archaeological evidence shows that our hunter-gatherer ancestors rarely or never consumed cereal grains.”

The main reason that grains were not on the menu was physiological, Cordain says. “Unless grass seeds are first ground (to break down their cell walls) and then cooked to gelatinize their starch, they are inedible and unavailable for nutritional assimilation.”

Learn how to think outside the box and plan accordingly for the optimal Paleo lifestyle. Subscribe to read the rest…


Loren Cordain, Ph.D., Professor

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The post Go Gluten Free Magazine appeared first on The Paleo Diet™.

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