Hi Loren,
I was hoping I could induce you to correct a statement made about your work in a recent post in The Atlantic. It’s by a senior editor, a medical doctor, James Hamblin, who’s doing a take-down of Perlmutter’s Grain Brain couched as a piece of journalism. In it he quotes David Katz of Yale, commenting about the paleolithic diet and your work.
I thought perhaps you could take a little time to set both Hamblin and maybe even Katz right. The key section:
This kind of journalism is bad enough when they get the facts vaguely right and just spin them to fit their biases. When they butcher the facts, too, it deserves correcting.
All the best,
Gary Taubes
Gary Taubes is the author of Why We Get Fat (2011), Nobel Dreams (1987), Bad Science: The Short Life and Weird Times of Cold Fusion (1993), and Good Calories, Bad Calories (2007), which is titled The Diet Delusion in the UK. He has won the Science in Society Award of the National Association of Science Writers three times and was awarded an MIT Knight Science Journalism Fellowship. Taubes studied applied physics at Harvard and aerospace engineering at Stanford (MS, 1978). Taubes has written numerous articles for Discover, Science and other magazines. Originally focusing on physics issues, his interests have more recently turned to medicine and nutrition.
Dr. Cordain’s Response:
Hi Gary,
Good to hear from you. Thanks for forwarding me the article from The Atlantic by James Hamblin, MD. I came away with a number of impressions:
1. Both Katz and Perlmutter acknowledge the underlying, evolutionary basis for human nutrition.
2. Scientists involved in gluten research and Paleo Diets (including myself) were not directly interviewed in this article. This omission likely fuels Hamblin’s perspective and does not provide equal input for both sides of the argument.
3. I was not interviewed for this article and the quote you cite below is not mine, but rather appears to be David Katz’s interpretation of our work. The quote is erroneous as well as being just flat out wrong. Our group has repeatedly analyzed the composition and macronutrient content of historically studied hunter gatherer diets.1-7 Animal fat has been an integral part of hominid diets since the origins of our genus Homo. To correct whomever wrote the erroneous quote below, regardless of whether fat comes from either plant or animal food sources, it contains identical caloric densities (9 kcal/g). In the typical hunter gatherer diet, animal fat would have generally exceeded plant fat on an average daily basis.
Brain contains virtually no fat, but rather is comprised primarily of fatty acids bound to the phospholipid fraction. A fat (triglyceride) is also technically called an acylglycerol (a glycerol molecule bound to a fatty acid [acyl group] via an ester bond). Brain contains little or no acylglycerol, but rather structural fatty acids found not in the triglyceride fraction, but in the phospholipids fraction. There is no doubt that brain, marrow and other fatty (and fatty acid) portions of wild animal carcasses would have been preferred by our hunter gatherer ancestors over lean meats.
Loren Cordain, Ph.D., Professor